(EXPIRED) Earn up to 2.16% p.a. with the latest Singapore Savings Bond. Apply from 2 – 26 May 2017

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Starts2 May 2017 (Tue)Ends26 May 2017 (Fri)
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Earn up to 2.16% p.a. with a minimum $500 in May 2017’s Singapore Savings Bond

Investment amount

  • Minimum per bond: $500
  • Maximum per bond: $50,000
  • Maximum individual holding: $100,000

A safe and flexible way to save for the long term. Savings Bonds are a special type of Singapore Government Securities that is suitable for individuals. Your principal investment and interest payments are backed by the full faith and credit of the Singapore Government.

You will always get your principal back when investing in Savings Bonds. Once a Savings Bond is issued, interest rate changes will have no effect on the bond’s value.

They complement other savings and investments as a safe way to save for the long term.

  • Safe – Savings Bonds are fully backed by the Singapore Government. In addition, you can always get your investment amount back in full with no capital losses.
  • Long-term – Invest for up to ten years, with interest that increases over time. The longer you save, the higher your return.
  • Flexible – Or, choose to exit your investment in any given month, with no penalties. There is no need to decide on a specific investment period at the start.

Issuance details

Bond IDGX17060T
Amount available$150 million
Issue date1 Jun 2017
Maturity date(1)1 Jun 2027
Interest payment dates(1)The 1st interest payment will be made on 1 Dec 2017, and subsequently every six months on 1 Jun and 1 Dec every year.
Investment amountsYou can invest a minimum of $500, and in multiples of $500 up to $50,000 for this issue. The total amount of Savings Bonds held across all issues cannot be more than $100,000.
Application periodOpens: 6.00pm, 2 May 2017
Closes: 9.00pm, 26 May 2017
Results: After 3.00pm, 29 May 2017
Keep track of the important dates with SSB calendar.
Apply throughDBS/POSB, OCBC and UOB ATMs and Internet Banking, OCBC Mobile Application from 7.00am – 9.00pm, Mon – Sat, excluding Public Holidays. On 2 May 2017, these channels will be open from 6.00pm to 9.00pm. CPF and SRS funds are not eligible.

This bond will be reflected as “SBJUN17 GX17060T” in your CDP statement and “CDP-SBJUN17” in your bank statement.

Interest rates

Year from issue date12345678910
Interest, %1.021.441.711.952.172.372.542.722.933.19
Average return per year, %*

* At the end of each year, on a compounded basis

Calculate the interest you will earn based on your desired investment amount using the Interest Calculator.

(1)If this day is not a business day, payment will be made on the next business day.

For more info, click here

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