(EXPIRED) Lazada 10% OFF Storewide With MasterCard (NO Min Spend) 22 Dec 2014 UPDATED 22 Jan 2015

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Starts22 Dec 2014 (Mon)Ends31 Dec 2014 (Wed)
Location Lazada
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Get 10% OFF storewide when you pay with MasterCard at Lazada www.lazada.sg. Valid as of 5 January 2015

Offer is valid only when you pay with your MasterCard credit, debit or prepaid card

Offer is valid for all categories

No minimum spend required

Discount is capped at $50.

Offer may not be combined with any other offer or discount and is not valid for affiliate reward

Offer is not valid for corporate purchases or resellers

Lazada reserves the right to cancel suspicious orders without prior notice

Offer is subject to change, and is based on individual merchant’s terms and conditions

Visit www.lazada.sg for more inforamtion.

Other terms and conditions apply.

No ending date is specified

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