(EXPIRED) New Moon is offering two cans of South Africa & Australia abalone at $50 mix-and-match from 21 Jan 2017 UPDATED 27 Feb 2017

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Starts21 Jan 2017 (Sat)Ends26 Feb 2017 (Sun)
Location Qoo10
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The official New Moon online store at www.qoo10.sg is offering cans of New Moon South Africa/Australia Abalone at 50% off for a limited time only, while stocks last

New Moon is No. 1 Best Selling Abalone Brand in Singapore. New Moon South African Abalone, also known as Perlemoen is endemic to South African Waters.

The abalone has a fresh flavor and a cream coloured appearance. The fresh succulent texture of the abalone is one of the characteristic attribute of New Moon South African abalone. Abalone processed under optimal conditions without addition of preservatives ensures the natural taste and texture of abalone are preserved.

Being a marine food source, abalones harness concentrated nutritional elements from the seas. They contain protein which provides essential amino acids to aid in the building and maintenance of bodily tissues. New Moon Abalones* are low in fat and trans-fat free, which makes abalone a naturally nutritious food product.

Order online now at www.qoo10.sg before stocks run out.

Collection at 116 Pasir Panjang Road Singapore 118540

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