(EXPIRED) National Day Parade 2023 (Actual) Road Closures from 9 – 10 Aug 2023 UPDATED 4 Aug 2023

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Starts9 Aug 2023 (Wed)Ends10 Aug 2023 (Thu)
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NDP road closure arrangements

In order to facilitate the event flow and the safety of NDP participants, the public is advised to note the following road closure arrangements. Any inconvenience caused is regretted.

Motorists are advised to avoid the affected roads and to slow down should they need to travel along these roads or pass these affected junctions. Officials will be stationed at all affected junctions to regulate traffic and facilitate movement of pedestrians.

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to take public transport into this vicinity.

Please be advised that parking restrictions along the affected roads will be strictly enforced. Vehicles found parking illegally or causing obstruction will be towed.

Refer to the image below for the full NDP 2023 road closure advisory

Click on image to enlarge

To facilitate the event, the following roads and lanes will be closed to vehicular traffic during the stipulated periods:

Roads/Lanes AffectedPeriods of Closure
The carriageway of Fullerton Road in the direction of Esplanade Drive (between lamp post 5 and Esplanade Drive)9 August 2023,


10 August 2023,


The carriageway of Esplanade Drive in the direction of Nicoll Highway (between Fullerton Road and Nicoll Highway)
The carriageway of Nicoll Highway in the direction of Guillemard Road (between Stamford Road and Bras Basah Road)
Fullerton Road (between lamp post 18F and Esplanade Drive)
Connaught Drive
St Andrew’s Road
Supreme Court Lane
Parliament Place
Two left lanes of High Street (between lamp post 5 and North Bridge Road)
Coleman Street (between North Bridge Road and St Andrew’s Road)
Beach Road (between Stamford Road and Bras Basah Road)
Slip road leading from Stamford Road into Beach Road
Two right lanes of Raffles Avenue (between lamp post 26F and Nicoll Highway)
Two left lanes of the carriageway of Crawford Street in the direction of Republic Avenue (between lamp post 23 and Republic Avenue)
Extreme right lane of the carriageway of Beach Road in the direction of Republic Avenue (between lamp post 90 and Republic Avenue)
Republic Avenue (between Crawford Street and Republic Boulevard)
Republic Avenue (between Nicoll Highway and Republic Avenue)
The carriageway of Republic Boulevard in the direction of Republic Avenue (between Ophir Road and Republic Avenue)9 August 2023,


10 August 2023,


The carriageway of Republic Boulevard in the direction of Republic Avenue (between lamp post 12F and Republic Avenue)
The carriageway of Republic Boulevard in the direction of Raffles Avenue (between Republic Avenue and Raffles Avenue)
Stamford Road (between Nicoll Highway and Beach Road)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Four left lanes of Stamford Road (between Beach Road and North Bridge Road)
Extreme right lane of the carriageway of Beach Road in the direction of Stamford Road (between lamp post 6 and Bras Basah Road)
Two right lanes of Bras Basah Road (between lamp post 68/1F and Beach Road)
Four right lanes of Bras Basah Road (between Beach Road and Nicoll Highway)
Raffles Boulevard (between Nicoll Highway and Raffles Link)
Two right lanes of the carriageway of Middle Road in the direction of Nicoll Highway (between lamp post 3 and Nicoll Highway)
The carriageway of Nicoll Highway in the direction of Esplanade Drive (between Guillemard Road and Esplanade Drive)
Slip road leading from the roundabout connecting Stadium Drive, Stadium Road, and Stadium Place into Nicoll Highway
Extreme right lane of the slip road leading from Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway into Nicoll Highway (between lamp post 20S19 and Nicoll Highway)
Slip road leading from the roundabout connecting Stadium Drive into Nicoll Highway
Slip road leading from Mountbatten Road into Nicoll Highway
Three left lanes of the carriageway of Guillemard Road in the direction of Nicoll Highway (between lamp post 4 and Nicoll Highway)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Five right lanes of Raffles Avenue (between lamp post 26F and Nicoll Highway)
North Bridge Road (between Stamford Road and Parliament Place)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Three left lanes of North Bridge Road (between lamp post 61 and Stamford Road)
Extreme left lane of North Bridge Road (between lamp post 69 and Coleman Street)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Two left lanes of Raffles Avenue (between lamp post 10F and lamp post 18F)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


North Bridge Road (between Stamford Road and Parliament Place)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Three left lanes of North Bridge Road (between lamp post 61 and Stamford Road)
The carriageway of Fullerton Road in the direction of Collyer Quay (between lamp post 5 and Collyer Quay)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


The carriageway of Collyer Quay in the direction of Raffles Quay (between Fullerton Road and Raffles Quay)
The carriageway of Raffles Quay in the direction of Shenton Way (between Collyer Quay and Marina Boulevard)
Raffles Link in the direction of Raffles Avenue (between lamp post 3F and Raffles Avenue)9 August 2023,


9 August 2023,


Raffles Avenue (between Raffles Link and Nicoll Highway)
The carriageway of Esplanade Drive in the direction of Fullerton Road (between Nicoll Highway and Fullerton Road)
The carriageway of Fullerton Road in the direction of Collyer Quay (between Esplanade Drive and lamp post5)
Extreme left lane of Finlayson Green (between Robinson Road and Raffles Quay)9 August 2023,


10 August 2023,


Extreme left lane of Marina Boulevard (between Raffles Quay and lamp post32)

Coleman Lane (between Coleman Street and lamp post 3F) would be converted to a two-way road on Wednesday, 9 August 2023, from 1.00pm to 3.00pm and 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

During the closures, access will only be granted to authorised vehicles as well as police and emergency vehicles. Auxiliary police officers and Singapore Armed Forces marshals will be deployed at the affected junctions to assist and direct motorists.

Traffic delays are expected along Beach Road, Bras Basah Road, Collyer Quay, Guillemard Road, Hill Street, Mountbatten Road, North Bridge Road, Raffles Avenue, Raffles Boulevard, Republic Boulevard, Temasek Avenue, Temasek Boulevard and Victoria Street. Motorists are to plan their routes early and avoid these roads. Members of the public travelling to these affected areas are also strongly encouraged to use public transport.

Similarly, motorists proceeding to Suntec City and Marina Square from Bras Basah Road, Esplanade Drive or Nicoll Highway are advised to use alternate routes via Bayfront Avenue or Rochor Road leading to Temasek Boulevard.

Parking restrictions along the affected roads will be strictly enforced. Vehicles found parked illegally or causing obstruction will be towed.

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