(EXPIRED) Uber: 50% OFF rides promo code valid from 10am – 5pm daily till Friday, 15 Dec 2017!

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Starts13 Dec 2017 (Wed)Ends15 Dec 2017 (Fri)
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What’s your guess? Answer the riddle below to unlock a surprise promo code to explore the city for less.

The answer is… SIXTYTHREE

Save 50% off (up to $5) on 10 rides from 10AM – 5PM till Friday

Hurry! Limited to the first 20,000 redemptions only.

How It Works

  1. Download and install the Uber app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store
  2. Apply the promo code SIXTYTHREE (refer below on how to do it)
  3. Set your destination in the ‘Where to’ section and select your ride option
  4. Tap ‘Request’, confirm your pickup location and your ride will be there within minutes

To unlock a promotion code, you just need to apply the code to your Uber account. How to apply promo code using the new Uber app for iPhone or Android:

  1. Select PAYMENT from the app menu.
  2. Tap Add Promo Code.
  3. Enter your promo code and tap Apply.

If you are a first-time user, you should apply the promo code UBEROFFERSG first to enjoy $3 OFF your first ride before applying the above code after your first ride. The code is not valid for use on UberTAXI. If you apply multiple promo codes with overlapping timings, the one you added most recently will apply first.

For more info, click here

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