LTA Revises & Removes Selected Gantries ERP Rates From 3 Feb 2014

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The Land Transport Authority (LTA) has completed its quarterly review of traffic conditions on Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)-priced roads and expressways

It will be revising the ERP rates at the following locations.

Time PeriodCurrent ERP Rates*Change in Rates*ERP Rates* w.e.f.
3 February 2014
ECP (City) & KPE Slip Road into ECP – Set of 2 gantries
7:30 – 8:00$3.00Decrease by $1.00$2.00
8:30 – 9:00$6.00Decrease by $2.00$4.00
9:00 – 9:30$1.00Decrease by $1.00$0.00
ECP Eastbound (before KPE)
18:00 – 18:30$1.00Decrease by $1.00$0.00
19:00 – 19:30$2.00Decrease by $1.00$1.00
MCE Westbound before exit to Maxwell Road and on slip road into Marina Coastal Drive – Set of 2 gantries
8:30 – 9:00$6.00Decrease by $2.00$4.00
9:00 – 9:30$1.00Decrease by $1.00$0.00
MCE Eastbound before exit to Central Boulevard and at slip road from Marina Boulevard – Set of 2 gantries
19:00 – 19:30$2.00Decrease by $1.00$1.00
19:30 – 20:00$0.50Decrease by $0.50$0.00
Southbound CTE after Braddell Road & PIE Slip Road into Southbound CTE – Set of 4 gantries
7:00 – 7:30$1.00Increase by $1.00$2.00
* ERP rate per Passenger Car Unit (PCU)

The revised rates will apply from Monday, 3 February 2014. The rates for the other gantries will remain unchanged.

ERP on MCE and ECP

As the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) has only recently replaced the east-west function of the East Coast Parkway (ECP), ERP on the MCE has been operating during the same time periods and at the same prevailing rates as the ECP since its opening on 29 December 2013.

LTA has been closely monitoring the traffic conditions on the MCE as well as on the ECP. Based on traffic data, traffic conditions have generally improved on both the MCE and the ECP during ERP operating hours.

Hence, the ERP rates on the MCE and the ECP during the time periods where the speeds have improved significantly will be reduced, including a one-off reduction of a $2 quantum during 0830h-0900h on the westbound MCE and ECP.

Going forward, LTA will determine the ERP rates for the MCE and ECP based on the usual approach for expressways.

Next ERP Rate Review

The next ERP review will take place in May 2014 for the second quarterly rate review of 2014.

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