The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings PC Game Digital Uncensored Edition Download

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The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is the continuation of the action-RPG released by CD Projekt RED in 2007. The game, based on the universe created by the famous Polish fantasy writer Andrzej Sapkowski, follows the tale of Geralt of Rivia, a witcher skilled in sword fighting and casting magic spells.

After stopping the rebellion in the Kingdom of Temeria and saving King Foltest’s life, in the second part of the game Geralt and the king are on their mission to bring peace to this land.

The sequel of The Witcher was very anticipated by gamers all around the world as the developers listened carefully to fan’s feedback and incorporated many changes to make the experience much better.

With the new, made in-house, engine you’ll be set for an adventure in one of the most beautiful, lively and believable worlds ever created in a RPG. The revamped combat system allows you to approach your enemies in different ways using blades, magic spells, potions or traps or everything at once.

The enthralling and non-linear story will keep you in front of your PC for months and 16 different endings will definitely make you play it more than once.

The most anticipated RPG of 2011 is now available DRM-free and uncensored at Plus, you can get the Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition for $4.99. And if you Europe or Australia based, GOG’s Fair Price Package nets you up to $26 credit to buy additional games at GOG, since other continents get it at a lower price.

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