(EXPIRED) Singapore Airlines fr $168 Early Bird Promo Fares For DBS/POSB Cardmembers 10 – 31 Jan 2016 UPDATED 16 Jan 2016

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Starts10 Jan 2016 (Sun)Ends31 Jan 2016 (Sun)
Location Singapore Airlines
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Early Bird Fares with DBS and POSB. Travelling the world is easier, with big savings to 57 destinations worldwide using your DBS/POSB Cards.

Sales period: From 6 to 31 January 2016

NO minimum 2-to-go required! Remember to share this great SIA fare deal with your friends & family deals on Facebook

For booking and full terms and conditions, please click on the respective fare. All fares shown are subject to currency fluctuation and seats availability. Some destinations may have multiple rows due to different outbound/inbound flight code

Click on a link to jump to a specific section

  1. Fares to Southeast Asia
  2. Fares to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
  3. Fares to Japan and Korea
  4. Fares to South West Pacific
  5. Fares to Europe
  6. Fares to West Asia
  7. Fares to South Africa
  8. Fares to America

Fares to Southeast Asia

DestinationMin/ Max Stay30 days before travel*60 days before travel*90 days before travel*
Kuala Lumpur2 Days/ 1 Month$238$188$168
Ho Chi Minh City2 Days/ 1 Month$188
Ho Chi Minh City2 Days/ 1 Month$338$258$198
Jakarta2 Days/ 1 Month$188
Jakarta2 Days/ 1 Month$328$258$218
Surabaya2 Days/ 1 Month$318$248$198
Bangkok2 Days/ 1 Month$228
Bangkok2 Days/ 1 Month$248
Bangkok2 Days/ 1 Month$308
Manila2 Days/ 1 Month$238
Manila2 Days/ 1 Month$278
Manila2 Days/ 1 Month$438$328
Denpasar (Bali)2 Days/ 1 Month$268
Denpasar (Bali)2 Days/ 1 Month$338
Hanoi2 Days/ 1 Month$438$328$268
Yangon2 Days/ 1 Month$418$328$278

Fares to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

DestinationMin/ Max Stay30 days before travel*60 days before travel*90 days before travel*
Hong Kong2 Days/ 1 Month$248
Hong Kong2 Days/ 1 Month$268
Hong Kong2 Days/ 1 Month$288
Guangzhou2 Days/ 1 Month$458$408$378
Guangzhou2 Days/ 1 Month$558$498
Beijing2 Days/ 1 Month$518
Beijing2 Days/ 1 Month$738$578
Shanghai2 Days/ 1 Month$518
Shanghai2 Days/ 1 Month$578
Shanghai2 Days/ 1 Month$738
Taipei2 Days/ 1 Month$718$608$538
Taipei2 Days/ 1 Month$828$708

Fares to Japan and Korea

DestinationMin/ Max Stay45 days before travel*90 days before travel*120 days before travel*
Tokyo3 Days/ 1 Month$698
Tokyo3 Days/ 1 Month$968$848$788
Nagoya3 Days/ 1 Month$898$798$728
Osaka3 Days/ 1 Month$948$838$748
Fukuoka3 Days/ 1 Month$948$848$778
Seoul3 Days/ 1 Month$678
Seoul3 Days/ 1 Month$958$828$728

Fares to South West Pacific

DestinationMin/ Max Stay30 days before travel*45 days before travel*90 days before travel*120 days before travel*
Perth3 Days/ 1 Month$548$498
Perth3 Days/ 1 Month$658$598$538
Brisbane3 Days/ 1 Month$598
Brisbane3 Days/ 1 Month$848$718$658
Melbourne3 Days/ 1 Month$648
Melbourne3 Days/ 1 Month$938$798$698
Sydney3 Days/ 1 Month$658
Sydney3 Days/ 1 Month$948$818$708
Adelaide3 Days/ 1 Month$938$818$758
Auckland3 Days/ 1 Month$1238
Auckland3 Days/ 1 Month$1338$1238
Auckland3 Days/ 1 Month$1488
Christchurch3 Days/ 1 Month$1528$1428$1328

Fares to Europe

DestinationApplicable Outbound FlightsApplicable Inbound FlightsMin/ Max Stay45 days before travel*90 days before travel*120 days before travel*
IstanbulAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1348$1188$1058
MoscowAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1458$1308$1118
AmsterdamAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1468$1298$1128
BarcelonaAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1468$1298$1128
CopenhagenAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1468$1298$1128
MilanAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1478$1308$1138
ZurichAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1478$1308$1138
RomeAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1488$1318$1148
FrankfurtAll SQ flights except SQ26All SQ flights except SQ255 Days/ 1 Month$1488$1328$1168
ParisAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1518$1348$1178
DusseldorfAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1528$1358$1188
MunichAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1538$1368$1198
ManchesterAll SQ flightsAll SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1538$1378$1228
LondonSQ308/SQ318SQ305/SQ3175 Days/ 1 Month$1578$1358$1238
LondonAll SQ flights except SQ322All SQ flights5 Days/ 1 Month$1658$1448$1298

Fares to West Asia

DestinationMin/ Max Stay30 days before travel*60 days before travel*90 days before travel*
Chennai3 Days/ 1 Month$558$468
Colombo3 Days/ 1 Month$578$508
Kolkata3 Days/ 1 Month$578$508
Ahmedabad3 Days/ 1 Month$578$518
Male (Maldives)3 Days/ 1 Month$708$618$528
Bengaluru3 Days/ 1 Month$598$538
Mumbai3 Days/ 1 Month$598$538
Dhaka3 Days/ 1 Month$628$558
Delhi3 Days/ 1 Month$638$578
Dubai3 Days/ 1 Month$928$778$628

Fares to South Africa

DestinationMin/ Max Stay45 days before travel*90 days before travel*120 days before travel*
Capetown5 Days/ 1 Month$1688$1538$1288
Johannesburg5 Days/ 1 Month$1688$1538$1288

Fares to America

DestinationMin/ Max Stay45 days before travel*90 days before travel*120 days before travel*
San Francisco5 Days/ 1 Month$1348
San Francisco5 Days/ 1 Month$1798$1548$1448
Houston5 Days/ 1 Month$1678$1528$1378
Los Angeles5 Days/ 1 Month$1788$1538$1438
New York5 Days/ 1 Month$2018$1668$1518
Sao Paulo5 Days/ 1 Month$2508$2308$2008

Other terms and conditions apply.

Sales on until 31 Jan 2016. For more info and to book, click here


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