Apple Online Store SG Promises 24Hr Shipping Time Availability 28 Feb 2013 UPDATED 20 Mar 2013

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The Apple Store Singapore at now offers 24Hr shipping availability for almost all products we can see. This means you should receive the product you ordered within 3 working days. Valid as of 20 March 2013.

We tested Apple MacBook Pro, Apple MacBook, Apple iPad 4, Apple iPhone 5, Apple iPod and all promised 24hr availability to ship.

Now you can enjoy a much lesser waiting time for your Apple product to arrive making the need to make a trip down to the nearest Apple authorised dealer a less required affair

Here are some screens of what we are talking about

Apple iPhone 5

Apple iPad 4

Do take note that placing an order on Thursday and Friday appears to make the shipping time appear longer due to the non working days on the weekend

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