CIMB Bank 0.8% Interest Rate StarSaver Savings Account 19 May 2014

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Does size matter? CIMB Bank may have limited number of branches in Singapore but don’t judge them on that alone.

Because when it comes to the benefits CIMB give, very few measure up.

Enjoy a high 0.8% p.a. interest rate from your very first dollar with CIMB StarSaver, CIMB’s combined checking and savings account.

Unlike other banks, there’s no need to fulfil multiple conditions in order to enjoy this high interest rate.

And to make it even simpler, with FAST, you can now transfer funds between any participating bank and CIMB within minutes.

Apply for a CIMB StarSaver account today and receive attractive gifts such as iPhone 5s, iPads, iRobots, cash vouchers and more

  • S$50,000 to less than S$250,000: S$80 worth of Shopping Vouchers
  • S$250,000 to less than S$500,000: S$300 worth of Shopping Vouchers
  • S$500,000 to less than S$1,000,000: Roomba 630 OR iPad Mini 16GB WIFI + 4G
  • S$1,000,000 and above: iPad Air 32GB WIFI + 4G OR iPhone 5s 32GB

Other terms and conditions apply.

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