Citibank 10x Rewards For Online Shopping & Globeshopper 5% Cashback 8 May 2013 UPDATED 12 May 2013

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Shop online for 10x rewards on all your online, local and overseas shopping with Citibank. Don’t have a Citibank card yet? Apply for one online now at

Ship online and get 5% cash back on shipping charges with Citi Globeshopper.

10x Citi Dollars will be awarded for transactions made with Citibank Rewards Card at any department store worldwide or any retail store worldwide that sells clothes, shoes or bags as Its main business activity. 10x Citi Dollars will also be awarded for online shopping merchants Including all shopping websites that sell clothes, shoes and bags as their main business activity, EXCLUDING all travel, airline, government, brokerage/securities, Insurance, tuition and online gambling websites. Terms and conditions apply.

The maximum citi Dollars earned from spending In the above mentioned categories that can be credited to each eligible Cardholder’s card account In each year (I.e. 365 days from the date of (I) the establishment of the card account; or (II) renewal of the card account) Is 120,000 Citi Dollars. Citi Dollars earned have a validity period of 5 years from account opening date. An annual fee of S$192.60 (Inclusive of GST) will be charged after the 1st year. The effective Interest rate of 24% per annum applies.

5% cash back on shipping charges will be awarded when a Citibank Credit Card Is used to make the online purchase of merchandise and shipped through Citi Globeshopper.

Other terms and conditions apply.

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