(EXPIRED) OCBC Cards 5% Rebate w/ Android Pay Payments from 28 Jun – 31 Jul 2016


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Starts28 Jun 2016 (Tue)Ends31 Jul 2016 (Sun)
Location OCBC
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Get a 5% rebate with OCBC cards on Android Pay. Pay with your OCBC Credit/Debit Cards on Android Pay and get a 5% rebate on top of any existing card rebate.

Eligible OCBC Credit and Debit Cards that can be used with Android Pay include Consumer Credit or Debit Cards that are not cancelled and are issued by OCBC. Corporate Credit and Debit cards are currently not supported

How to add your OCBC Cards

  1. Open your Android Pay app. Don’t have it yet? Download now
  2. Follow the onscreen instructions to setup your cards.
  3. Once it’s been verified, you are done! You can add as many cards as you like on Android Pay.

How to pay

  1. Tap your phone on the terminal
  2. A green check will appear letting you know your transaction is complete.
  3. Your receipt will be printed out and a notification will be sent to your phone.

Android Pay is available on NFC and HCE-enabled Android phones running Android 4.4 (KitKat) or higher in 2015. Android Pay is available anywhere that VISA Paywave and MasterCard Paypass is accepted

You can make up to 3 transactions of S$100 and below without the need for authentication while your mobile device is locked. Subsequent transactions made while your mobile device is locked, or any transactions above S$100, will require authentication (PIN, pattern or fingerprint).

Not a OCBC cardmember? The OCBC 365 card earns you cashback all year round while the Cashflo card is the first and only auto-instalment card(Stretch your payments over 3 or 6 months with zero interest). Apply for both the OCBC 365 & Cashflo cards to get $50 cashback! For more info and to apply, visit OCBC’s website here.

The 5% cash rebates for OCBC Android Pay 5% Rebate Promotion will be capped at S$15
per customer.

For more info, click here

Other terms and conditions apply.

Sales on until 31 Jul 2016

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