(EXPIRED) Standard Chartered offers up to 0.95% p.a. for 5-mth time deposits from 1 – 31 May 2017

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Starts1 May 2017 (Mon)Ends31 May 2017 (Wed)
Location Standard Chartered
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Get up to 0.95% p.a. interest on your SGD Time Deposit. From now till 31 May 2017, earn attractive returns[1] when you deposit minimum fresh funds[2] of S$25,000.

Plus, receive up to S$3,000 when you start a Priority Banking relationship with then today.[3].

Minimum placementTenorPromotional RatesPriority Banking Preferential Rates
S$25,0005 months0.90% p.a0.95% p.a

[1] The promotional interest rates are only applicable if the Time Deposit is held until the maturity of the tenor. Standard Chartered Singapore Dollar Time Deposit (1st to 31st May 2017) Promotion Terms and Conditions apply

[2] Fresh funds refer to funds not originating from any existing account with Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (the “Bank”) and funds that are not withdrawn and re-deposited within the last 30 days of opening your Time Deposit.

[3] Priority Banking Q2’17 Sign-Up Promotion is available until 30 Jun’17. To qualify, you need to be a new to bank customer and during the promotion period (i.e. before 30 Jun’17): (A) open and have at least one SGD Current/Cheque/Savings account, (B) start a Priority Banking relationship and place minimum S$200,000 (or foreign currency equivalent) of Fresh Funds in the form of Eligible Deposits and/or Eligible Investments, (C) maintain at least S$200,000 of assets under management for at least 6 months. Further you must also complete a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) within 3 months from the date of placement of the minimum Fresh Funds amount. When computing eligibility, the Bank will take into account only 50% of the value of Fresh Funds in the respective accounts for Time deposits, Bonus$aver deposits and e$aver deposits. Reward will be in the form of credit to one of your SGD Current/Cheque/Savings account(s), as determined by the Bank. Reward is forfeited if you fail to maintain at least one SGD Current/Cheque/Savings account. Exclusions and other conditions apply. Please visit https://www.sc.com/sg/terms-and-conditions/priority.

For more info, click here

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