(EXPIRED) UOB: Earn up to 1.55% p.a. with latest Fresh Funds deposit promo valid from 2 May to 29 June 2019

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Starts2 May 2019 (Thu)Ends29 Jun 2019 (Sat)
Location UOB
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Accelerate your savings growth with higher interest of up to 1.55% p.a.*

Enjoy the freshest rates of up to 1.65% p.a.* interest. Plus, receive S$100 Dairy Farm Group Vouchers* when you deposit at least S$100,000 in Fresh Funds which results in an Incremental Fresh Funds Balance of at least S$100,000 when compared against your previous month’s Monthly Average Balance (MAB).

Incremental Fresh Funds BalanceBonus Rates* (p.a.)
S$15,000 to S$50,0001.15%
Above S$50,000 to S$100,0001.35%
Above S$100,000 to S$1,000,0001.55%

Get interest of up to a total of 1.65% p.a.*. Illustration: 1.55% p.a. interest (Bonus Rate assuming Incremental Fresh Funds Balance of above S$100,000) + 0.10% p.a. interest (Prevailing Interest Rate for account balances above S$350,000). Bonus Rates are only applicable to Incremental Fresh Funds Balance of at least S$15,000, subject to a cap of S$1,000,000. Any amount of Incremental Fresh Funds Balance exceeding S$1,000,000 shall earn interest at the Prevailing Interest Rate only

Receive S$100 Dairy Farm Group Vouchers* when you deposit at least S$100,000 in Fresh Funds which results in an Incremental Fresh Funds Balance of at least S$100,000 when compared against your previous month’s Monthly Average Balance (MAB).

For more info, click here

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