(EXPIRED) Amazon Black Friday Deals Week 20 – 28 Nov 2015 UPDATED 28 Nov 2015


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Starts20 Nov 2015 (Fri)Ends28 Nov 2015 (Sat)
Location Amazon.com
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Amazon has started their Black Friday deals and offers at www.amazon.com/blackfriday from 20 November through 28 November 2015.

RELATED: Check out more Black Friday promotions

Black Friday Deals Week has begun! Skip the lines and shop Black Friday deals from anywhere, even your couch.

Amazon has hundreds of limited-time Lightning Deals for you to choose from, exciting Deals of the Day, and savings on your favourite electronics, toys, jewellery and more.

Whether you’re on the hunt for the perfect jacket, or a new TV, don’t miss out on the hottest deals and discounts each day this week. Keep checking back to see what new sales, coupons, and promotions they’ll have every day, as often as every 5 minutes at www.amazon.com/blackfriday. Find the best Black Friday deals, including toy bargains, magazine subscription specials, low prices on DVDs, and fashionable deals on jewellery, shoes, clothing, and more.

From stocking stuffers like classic watches and enticing fragrances to the newest tablets and mobile devices, you won’t want to miss Amazon’s after-Thanksgiving sales.

Easily find something for everyone on your list this year with the wide selection of Black Friday deals, including electronics, toys, kitchen tools, pet supplies, and more. And don’t forget to get a little something for yourself-it’s that time of year to indulge and finally buy that coveted item on your wish list.

What are you waiting for? Dive into major savings with Black Friday deals every day this week with www.amazon.com/blackfriday, and cross everyone off your holiday shopping list today.

Don’t forget – many items are eligible for FREE shipping to Singapore. Simply add at least $125 of eligible AmazonGlobal Saver products to your cart and check out.

Notable Deals

Check www.amazon.com/blackfriday every day at 4pm to be among the first to discover the deals.

Some hidden Limited-Time Deals in General

Some hidden Limited-Time Deals in Computer

Some hidden Limited-Time Deals in Video Games

Some hidden Limited-Time Deals in Fashion

Some hidden Limited-Time Deals in Baby

Also check the Daily 24hr Gold Box Deals at www.amazon.com/gp/goldbox – Deals start at 4pm on the first day and end on 4pm on the next day after which new Deals takes over.

Take Note

To qualify for free shipping, place at least $125 of eligible AmazonGlobal Saver products, excluding the Import Fees Deposit, in your Shopping Cart.

Three conditions must be met to enjoy free shipping:

  1. Must be labelled “Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.”
  2. Must not exceed 20 pounds (~9kg) or more and
  3. Must not be too big in volume


  1. Check carefully when ordering electronics that are powered from the wall outlet – Singapore uses the 220V/240V voltage and the plug connector is different as well. Check that the electronic product supports the voltage range 100V – 240V. If it doesn’t, do NOT plug in directly to the Singapore wall plug outlet without using a step down transformer!
  2. Be careful of region-locked video games and movie discs – many of them can only be played on consoles or players that are sold in the US. Amazon has a dedicated help page relating to DVD/Blu-Ray region codes here.
  3. Warranty coverage may be limited to the US only. Some products such as Intel SSDs have international warranty. If the local distributor does not entertain you, you may need to send back the item to the US should any issue arise for warranty claim
  4. When making payments to Amazon, make payments in USD instead of SGD as the conversion rate Amazon uses may cause you to pay much more than paying in USD.

Other terms and conditions apply.

Sales on until 28 Nov 2015, 4pm. For more info, visit www.amazon.com/blackfriday.

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