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Starts | 27 Nov 2020 (Fri) | Ends | 2 Dec 2020 (Wed) |
Location | Amazon.sg |
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Get S$20 off daily essentials with min. spend S$60 at www.amazon.sg.
Valid for selected items from the following categories
- Beauty
- Health & Wellness
- Personal Care
- Oral Care
- Household Products
- Pets Supplies
Get S$20 off daily essentials with min. spend S$60 Terms & Conditions
- Offer expires at 23:59 SGT December 2, 2020 or when fully redeemed, whichever is earlier.
- Offer applies only to products listed in the “S$20 off S$60” category on Amazon.sg and sold by Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited.
- Products sold by third-party sellers or other Amazon entities will not qualify for this offer, even if “fulfilled by Amazon” or “Prime Eligible”.
- Offer can only be redeemed once per checkout. Items must be purchased in a single order. Limited redemption available.
- Delivery fees and gift wrap charges do not apply when determining minimum purchase amount.
- Offer may not be combined with other offers.
- Amazon reserves the right to cancel or modify the offer at any time.
- Offer is non-transferable and it may not be resold.
- If you return any of the products qualifying you for the offer, Amazon reserves the right to charge you for part or all of the amount of the benefit you received from this offer, using the payment method you used for the original order and without further notice.
- Unless otherwise stated, promotion codes may not be applied toward the purchase of gift cards, goods and services tax (GST), Prime membership fees, gift wrap charges, or delivery charges.
- If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.
For more info, visit www.amazon.sg
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