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Starts | 8 Nov 2019 (Fri) | Ends | 31 Dec 2019 (Tue) |
Location | Amazon.sg |
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Applicable on eligible items for a limited period only.
How to identify eligible items for FREE delivery?
When adding your products to the basket, look for either “Ships from and sold by Amazon SG” or “Fulfilled by Amazon”.
Terms & Conditions
- This is a limited time offer. Offer expires at 23:59 SGT December 31, 2019 or when fully redeemed, whichever is earlier.
- Amazon reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time.
- Offer only applies to products sold or fulfilled by Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited, or sold by a third-party seller and fulfilled by Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Limited, and has “Free Delivery” eligibility messaging on the product detail page. Products sold by other Amazon entities will not qualify for this offer.
- Offer applies to all customers who do not have an existing Prime membership.
- Offer good while supplies last.
- Offer may not be combined with other offers.
- Taxes may apply to the full value of discounted and free promotional items.
- Offer is non-transferable and may not be resold.
- If any of the products or content related to an offer are returned, your refund will equal the amount you paid for the product or content, subject to applicable refund policies.
- If you violate any of the offer terms, the offer will be invalid.
For more info, visit www.amazon.sg
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