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Starts | 29 Jan 2018 (Mon) | Ends | 11 Feb 2018 (Sun) |
Location | Qoo10 |
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Take $10 off on any purchase at www.qoo10.sg when you pay via Paypal
Expires on February 11, 2018Exclusive $10 off on all purchase on Qoo10. No minimum spend required.
Claim the offer here now
NOTE: While the T&C states that this offer is available to selected holders only, we tested it on a account that did not receive this offer and we were able to purchase a product with the discount
TIP: You can stack this with Qoo10’s $10 cart coupon promo (ending 31 Jan)
Terms and Conditions
- This offer entitles eligible PayPal account holders to receive a discount of SGD$10 off a purchase from Qoo10.
- The offer is valid from 29 January 2018 to 11 February 2018 (both dates inclusive).
- This is a limited offer available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The offer is only available to selected Singapore PayPal account holders.
- The offer cannot be transferred or exchanged for cash or other discounts/products/services.
- Each eligible PayPal account holder may only redeem the offer once.
- No minimum spend is required.
- Payment has to be made via PayPal during checkout.
- Notwithstanding anything herein, PayPal and Qoo10 shall not at any time be responsible or held liable for any defect or malfunction in any offer, and/or for any loss, injury, damage or harm suffered or incurred by or in connection with the use of any offer by any person.
- PayPal and Qoo10 shall not be responsible for the quality, merchant ability or fitness aspects of any purchases.
- PayPal and Qoo10 reserve the rights to amend the privileges or the terms and conditions of this offer without prior notice.
- PayPal and Qoo10’s decision on all matters relating to privileges or these terms and conditions will be final and binding on all participants.
- By redeeming the offer, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.
Claim the offer here now
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