7-Eleven S’pore is giving away free cups of Mr. Softee with any purchase on 18 March ’20, 7am onwards

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Limited time only!

⁣Hello, School Holidays! Exclusively on 18 Mar, 7AM onwards — 7-Eleven S’pore is giving away more than 11,000 free cups of Mr. Softee* with any purchase⁣⁣!⁣⁣⁣

⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Simply make any purchase in stores and flash this post to redeem a FREE MR. SOFTEE at any store with Mr. Softee machines🍦⁣⁣⁣

⁣Bring home a cup of joy and share this deal with your family and friends today!⁣

Head over to the website for the full list of 7-Eleven stores with Mr. Softee machines: https://www.7-eleven.com.sg/OfferDetail

⁣⁣⁣*Limited to 100 cups per store, while stocks last.

Mr. Softee

Indulge yourself in swirls of rich and creamy soft-serve ice cream!

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