(EXPIRED) Korean UFO Roaster Buffet 31% Off All You Can Eat Korean UFO Roaster & Steamboat Buffet 25 Mar 2012 UPDATED 1 Apr 2012


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Starts25 Mar 2012 (Sun)Ends31 Mar 2012 (Sat)
LocationKorean UFO Roaster Buffet Address 291 Geylang Road
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Indulge in extraterrestrial-ly good Korean UFO BBQ Roaster Buffet and Steamboat Buffet with this deal: $15.90 per pax instead of $22.90 All You Can Eat Korean UFO Roaster + Steamboat Buffet with over 100 items including Singapore Styled Chilli Crabs with Fried Buns + Free Flow Signature Scallop Chicken Rice & More (Min 2 Purchases) – that’s 31% off the usual price!

Get this deal before it expires soon at www.deal.com.sg.

We suggest you switch the channel over to the Sci-Fi section for what we have on offer here is nothing short of being extraterrestrial-ly good! Introducing on our sunny shores, the Korean UFO BBQ Roaster Buffet + Steamboat Buffet!

With new technology, using infrared warm light rays to cook food, the end result is scrumptious and most importantly, healthy! Here’s how it works. As nonpolluting light energy, infrared rays are the rays delivering the heat of all types of light energy including the solar heat.

Like boiled meat with crispiness outside and moisture inside, the meat does not dry, even after being left a long time. Even if the fish item (sea food) is not turned over, the inside of the fish is cooked well without drying. Even the shells of shrimps can be consumed!

Even if vegetables are placed for a long time on the pan, they will be cooked well without drying. The best part is that no smell lingers on your hair and there will be no oil splashes on your expensive clothes! No oil needed + No pungent smell + No black smoke = Healthy Cooking!

What’s more, you get a free-flow of Sri Lankan Chili Crabs (per serving), Chicken Rice with Scallops, Fruits and more than 100 fresh meats, seafood, vegetables for your choosing!

Offering a perfect opportunity for friends and family to bond over, this Korean UFO BBQ Roaster + Steamboat Buffet is one not to miss.

Get this deal before it expires soon at www.deal.com.sg.

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