(EXPIRED) Royal Plaza on Scotts Bread & Butter Giveaway 17 Jun 2014


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Starts17 Jun 2014 (Tue) (ONE day only)
LocationRoyal Plaza on Scotts
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Royal Plaza on Scotts will be giving away 3000 portions of the hotel’s signature Bread & Butter pudding on 17 June 2014, 1130am

In celebration of Royal Plaza on Scotts’ 40th anniversary, Royal Plaza on Scotts is giving away 3000 portions of the hotel’s signature Bread & Butter pudding, which recipe is as old as the hotel.

The award-winning chefs of Carousel at Royal Plaza on Scotts is setting a 30-metres record for Singapore’s Longest Bread & Butter pudding, adjudicated by Singapore Book of Records.

Carousel is also voted Singapore’s Best Buffet Restaurant for 5 times in AsiaOne People’s Choice Awards and is inducted into the Hall of Fame with the fifth consecutive win.

Donate as you wish for the Bread & Butter pudding in support of Metta School @ Punggol, a beneficiary under Community Chest. All donations will be matched dollar for dollar as part of the Care & Share Movement.

The event is held at Royal Plaza on Scotts’ newly-renovated main entrance.

A recruitment drive will also be going on for potential candidates who would like to join Royal Plaza on Scotts, Best Employer 2013 by Aon Hewitt. Drop by the booth which is set up at the new hotel’s entrance to learn more about the exciting opportunities.

Other terms and conditions apply.

Event on 17 Jun 2014

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