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Starts | 19 May 2012 (Sat) | Ends | 25 May 2012 (Fri) |
Location | vHive |
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vHive is now having a pre-Great Singapore Sale 2012 with 10% off storewide for purchases $1,000 and above and 5% offstorewide for purchases 5% and below. It appears to be the same promotion for the last few months.
TV Cabinets listed are vHive TV80l8 Vizion TV Cabinet Wenge, vHive TV1675 Romeo TV Cabinet Wenge, vHive 13066 Alba TV Cabinet Walnut, vHive TV1895 Romeo TV Cabinet Wenge and vHive 13065 Alba TV Low Cabinet Walnut
Chairs listed are vHive 7556-WB Ventura Recliner Chair , vHive 7439-HL Aston Recliner Chair, vHive 7568 Dickson Recliner Chair, vHive S-629 Eton Arm Chair, vHive 7582W Oscar Recliner Chair, vHive 7438W-HL Hunter Recliner Chair, vHive 7583 Tosca Recliner Chair and vHive 7298G-HL Jazz Recliner Chair
Sofa sets listed are vHive PEG-I27N l-PI Harry I-Seater Sofa, vHive PEG-I27NI-P2 Harry 2-Seater Sofa, vHive PEG-I27NI-P3 Harry 3-Seater Sofa, vHive 2109-260 Pacific Fabric L-Shaped Sofa, vHive LAB-I73NIS Derby Micro-Fibre Sofa Bed, vHive HS-029 Macy Sofa, vHive PEM-I27-P3+P0 Berlin Sofa Black PU-Al and vHive PAB-l39S York Sofa Bed Black PU PU-Al
See ad image for price list and more details
Click on thumbnail[s] to enlarge. Sales on until date specified above. If no ending date is specified, hurry down if you don’t want to miss the sale.
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