(EXPIRED) NUS Career Fair 2012 Companies, Venue & Floor Plans 2 & 8 Feb 2012

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Starts2 Feb 2012 (Thu)Ends8 Feb 2012 (Wed)
Location NUS
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With over 170 companies participating in this year’s recruitment event, be prepared to meet company representatives from various industries. Do not miss this opportunity to network with potential employers. There will also be career and industry talks by industry practitioners on what recruiters look for and what the employment outlook for the coming year will be like.

This year, you can expect two different sets of companies on 2 and 8 February. So how do you know which day should you visit the fair? To ensure that your visit to the NUS Career Far 2012 is a fruitful one, you need to research and plan your visit.

Take a look at the list of participating companies listed, check out what are some of the positions available at the various companies and identify which ones are of interest to you. Take note of when these companies will be on campus and get Suited Up for the event.

See ad images for more details

Click on thumbnail[s] to enlarge. Sales on until 8 Feb 2012. For more information, visit http://jobs.st701.com/partners/nuscareerfair2012/.

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