(EXPIRED) HDB Launches 10,622 Flats in February 2025 BTO and SBF Exercises, apply by 17 Feb 2025 UPDATED 11 Feb 2025

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HDB has launched 10,622 flats for sale, under the February 2025 Build-To-Order (BTO) and Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) exercises.

Of these, 5,032 BTO flats are offered across 5 projects in Kallang/Whampoa, Queenstown, Yishun, and Woodlands. Another 5,590 SBF units, located islandwide [1], are offered for sale in the largest SBF exercise to date.


  • 8 in 10 BTO flats on offer have waiting times of 4 years or less
  • 4 in 10 flats on offer in the largest SBF exercise are completed units
  • 1 in 4 of the BTO/SBF flats on offer will be 2-room Flexi flats available to singles

In this sales exercise, 8 out of 10 BTO flats have waiting times of 4 years or less. Amongst them, 1,531 flats at Chencharu Vines and Chencharu Green in Yishun will have even shorter waiting times of just over 3 years, at 37 and 38 months respectively. Flat buyers who are looking to move into their flats sooner can also consider applying for balance flats in the SBF exercise, where 4 in 10 flats are already completed.

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  1. Wide Selection of Affordable Flats for Different Budgets and Needs
  2. Housing Options for Different Household Incomes
  3. More Housing Options for Singles
  4. Subsidy Recovery Upon Resale for Plus and Prime Flats
  5. Largest SBF Exercise to Date
  6. Advice for Flat Buyers
  7. More Certainty in Flat Application
  8. Applications Open from 10 to 17 February 2025
  9. Next BTO Exercise in July 2025

Wide Selection of Affordable Flats for Different Budgets and Needs

In this exercise, homebuyers can look forward to a mix of Standard, Plus and Prime flats under the New Flat Classification Framework. There is a wide selection of flats, ranging from 2-room Flexi to 5-room flats, available to cater to different housing needs and budgets.

There are 3 Standard projects offered in this BTO exercise – Chencharu Vines, Chencharu Green, and Woodlands North Verge, which is the first BTO project to be launched in the new Woodlands North Coast precinct. With 1,563 units of 2-room Flexi to 5-room flats in Woodlands North Verge and 1,531 flats in Chencharu, there are many affordable options for young couples and families who wish to live in the North.

The remaining 2 projects are a Plus project in Queenstown, and a Prime project in Kallang/ Whampoa.

Standard ProjectChencharu GreenYishun
Chencharu Vines
Woodlands North VergeWoodlands
Plus ProjectStirling HorizonQueenstown
Prime ProjectTanjong Rhu Parc FrontKallang/ Whampoa

To ensure affordability, all new flats are priced with significant market discounts. On top of these market discounts, Plus and Prime flats, which command higher market values given their more favourable locational attributes, are priced with additional subsidies to ensure that they remain affordable to Singaporeans across a wider range of income levels. Hence, the selling prices for these new flats are considerably lower than the transacted prices of comparable resale flats.

Eligible first-timer families can also benefit from the increased Enhanced CPF Housing Grant (EHG) of up to $120,000. With the EHG, buyers of Standard flats in Yishun can purchase a 3-room flat starting from $140,000, or a 4-room flat starting from $236,000. See Table 1 for the starting prices of the BTO flats before and after grants. More details on the BTO flat prices and nearby resale transactions can be found in Annex A.

Table 1: Flat Prices in February 2025 BTO Exercise

Selling Price
(Excluding Grants)
Selling Price
(Including Grants ^)
Transacted Prices of
Resale Flats Nearby #
Standard Projects
WoodlandsWoodlands North Verge2-room
From $140,000From $20,000$368,000 – $408,000
3-roomFrom $275,000From $170,000$500,000 – $530,000
4-roomFrom $365,000From $285,000$615,888 – $728,888
5-roomFrom $486,000From $431,000$710,000 – $790,000
YishunChencharu Vines

Chencharu Green

From $108,000From $6,000 *
3-roomFrom $245,000From $140,000$470,000 – $515,888
4-roomFrom $316,000From $236,000$560,000 – $638,000
5-roomFrom $447,000From $392,000$705,000 – $760,000
Plus Project
QueenstownStirling Horizon2-room
From $224,000From $104,000
3-roomFrom $408,000From $318,000$600,000 – $720,000
4-roomFrom $554,000From $499,000$891,000 – $1,050,000
Prime Project
Kallang / WhampoaTanjong Rhu Parc Front2-room
From $211,000From $91,000
3-roomFrom $399,000From $309,000$760,000 – $838,000
4-roomFrom $548,000From $493,000$960,000 – $1,050,000

Note: Selling prices are rounded up to the nearest thousand dollars.
^ Unless otherwise stated, the starting prices of the flats are based on 99-year leases. For illustration purposes, the assumed EHG amounts are:
i) 2-room Flexi flat: $120,000
ii) 3-room flat: $105,000 (Standard project) and $90,000 (Plus and Prime project)
iii) 4-room flat: $80,000 (Standard project) and $55,000 (Plus and Prime project)
iv) 5-room flat: $55,000 (Standard project)

The starting prices after grant amounts are illustrative. The actual grant amount received will depend on the household’s income and eligibility. Read more about EHG on the HDB InfoWEB.

* Buyers need to pay 5% of the published price using their CPF and/or cash savings when their EHG amount exceeds 95% of the published price.

# Details on the comparable resale flats can be found on the HDB Flat Portal. The differences in attributes between the comparable resale flats and the BTO flats should be taken into account when making a comparison.

Housing Options for Different Household Incomes

Interested flat applicants will be able to choose from a wide selection of flats to suit their budgets. For example, based on typical selling prices:

  • Eligible first-timer families with a monthly household income of $4,000 will receive an EHG of $80,000. With this, they will be able to buy a 3-room flat in any of the Standard projects, or a 4-room Standard flat in Chencharu Vines and Chencharu Green, using their CPF contributions to service their monthly mortgage payments, with little or no cash payment.
  • Eligible first-timer families with a monthly household income of $7,000 will receive an EHG of $30,000. They will be able to purchase a 3-room Standard, Plus or Prime flat in any of the projects, a 4-room flat in any of the Standard projects, or a 5-room Standard flat in Chencharu Vines and Chencharu Green, using their CPF contributions to service their monthly mortgage payments, with little or no cash payment.
  • Eligible first-timer families with a monthly household income of $9,000 will receive an EHG of $5,000. They will be able to purchase any of the Standard, Plus or Prime flats, using their CPF contributions to service their monthly mortgage payments, with little or no cash payment.

More Housing Options for Singles

First-timer singles can now have greater access to choose from the 2,759 2-room Flexi flats in the BTO and SBF exercises. Under the new flat classification framework, eligible first-timer singles can apply for new 2-room Flexi flats islandwide across all projects.

While the new flat classification framework will not apply to the SBF units that are re-offered for sale for this SBF exercise, eligible first-timer singles can still apply for any of the 2-room Flexi SBF flats islandwide.

Subsidy Recovery Upon Resale for Plus and Prime Flats

To maintain parity with other BTO flat buyers who are not accorded additional subsidies, Plus and Prime flat owners will be required to pay HDB a percentage of the resale or valuation price (whichever is higher) of the flat upon selling it, after meeting the 10-year MOP. For this sales exercise, the subsidy recovery percentages will be 8% for the Plus project and 9% for the Prime project. They are commensurate with the extent of the additional subsidies provided for the respective projects.

The additional subsidies, along with the more stringent ownership conditions, will help to keep these Plus and Prime HDB flats affordable, both at initial sale and subsequent resale.

Largest SBF Exercise to Date

In addition to the BTO flats, HDB will offer 5,590 balance flats across various locations, providing greater options for home buyers. Like BTO flats, the SBF flats are heavily subsidised and priced considerably lower than comparable resale flats. The starting prices before and after the EHG are set out in Table 2.

Table 2: Starting Flat Prices of February 2025 SBF Exercise

Flat TypeSelling Prices
Before EHGAfter EHG^
Community Care Apartment (CCA)# (30-year Lease)From $75,000From $4,000*
2-room Flexi (99-year / Remaining Lease)From $106,000From $6,000*
3-roomFrom $134,000From $29,000
4-roomFrom $219,000From $139,000
5-roomFrom $341,000From $286,000
3GenFrom $534,000From $479,000
ExecutiveFrom $605,000From $605,000

– Selling prices are rounded up to the nearest thousand dollars. To check the remaining lease of each block, please refer to HDB Flat Portal.

^ Unless otherwise stated, the starting prices of the flats are based on 99-year leases / remaining leases. For illustration purposes, the assumed EHG amounts are:
i) CCA/2-room Flexi flat: $120,000
ii) 3-room flat: $105,000
iii) 4-room flat: $80,000
iv) 5-room/3Gen flat: $55,000

The starting prices after grant amounts are illustrative. The actual grant amount received will depend on the buyers’ income and eligibility. Read more on EHG in HDB InfoWEB.

# CCA prices include costs of pre-installed senior friendly fittings and features, and do not include the costs of the mandatory Basic Service Package and optional services.

* Buyers need to pay 5% of the published price using their CPF and/or cash savings when their EHG amount exceeds 95% of the published price.

Advice for Flat Buyers

Applicants who wish to participate in the February 2025 BTO and SBF exercises must have a valid HDB Flat Eligibility (HFE) letter[2] when they submit their flat application. As the number of HFE letter applications tend to peak closer to sales exercises leading to longer processing time, HDB had announced earlier that flat applicants should apply for an HFE letter and submit all required documents by 15 December 2024, so as to be able to apply for a flat in this sales exercise. More information on the HFE letter is available on the HDB InfoWEB.

Applicants are encouraged to plan their finances carefully and select a suitable flat based on their budget and needs. Flat buyers should also take into consideration the revised Loan-to-Value (LTV) limit for HDB housing loans, which has been lowered from 80% to 75% since the October 2024 BTO sales exercise.

Flat applicants may apply for 1 flat type in 1 town during the 8-day application period under either the BTO or SBF exercise. Applicants who wish to improve their chances of securing a flat are encouraged to apply for Standard BTO projects, where at least 95% of the 4-room and bigger flats are set aside for first-timer families.

To further increase their chances, applicants are encouraged to look out for projects with lower application rates. Information on application rates of each BTO project is available on the HDB Flat Portal, which is updated several times a day throughout the 8-day application window.

More Certainty in Flat Application

Since the tightening of non-selection rules of new HDB flats in the October 2023 BTO sales exercise, the proportion of BTO flat applicants who did not book a flat when invited has halved – from 40% previously to about 19% over the 3 BTO launches[3] where booking exercises have been completed. This has enabled flat buyers to secure their flats more quickly. With the lower non-selection rate, almost all flats are now booked by applicants within the first 200% of the flat supply.

From the February 2025 sales exercise, HDB will shortlist flat applicants up to 200% of the total flat supply, instead of up to 300%[4]. This will improve efficiency, enabling HDB to serve shortlisted applicants faster and complete flat bookings sooner. This also provides applicants with greater certainty as they will receive the outcomes of their flat applications earlier, and for those without a queue number can then proceed to apply for the next BTO/SBF sales exercise.

To maintain fairness, applicants who received a queue position but do not proceed to book a flat within the flat supply, will not be eligible to apply for a flat in subsequent BTO/SBF exercises until after their flat booking appointment. This ensures that they do not crowd out other applicants who have not secured a queue position.

Applications Open from 10 to 17 February 2025

Flat applications can be made online via HDB Flat Portal from today (10 February 2025) to 17 February 2025. There is no need to visit HDB Hub to get the information or make an application. HDB will shortlist applicants using a computer ballot, and not on a first-come-first-served basis. Hence, applicants do not need to rush to submit applications within the first few hours or even the first few days of the application period and can submit their application any time during the 8-day period. More details on the application procedures can be found in Annex B.

All the information on the flats offered is available on the HDB Flat Portal or through scanning the QR code below.

Applicants without Internet access may seek support from their family members. Those who need further assistance, such as seniors without family support, may call the HDB Sales/Resale Customer Service Line at 1800 – 866 3066.

Next BTO Exercise in July 2025

Given the large supply in this February 2025 BTO and SBF exercises, HDB expects to receive a high volume of flat applications. To allow more time to process these applications, the next BTO exercise will be held in July 2025. This ensures that there is sufficient time to complete the flat selection exercises, thus providing flat applicants with greater certainty on their application outcomes before the next BTO exercise is held.

In July 2025, HDB will offer about 5,400 flats across 7 towns located islandwide, in Bukit Merah, Bukit Panjang, Clementi, Sembawang, Tampines, Toa Payoh, and Woodlands. Flat buyers interested to apply for a flat must have a valid HFE letter. HDB encourages all flat buyers to apply for an HFE letter early and submit all required documents by 15 June 2025 if they wish to participate in the July 2025 sales exercise. More details on the projects including their classification will be shared during the July 2025 sales exercise.

HDB will continue to monitor the housing demand closely, making adjustments where necessary. With the planned offer of about 19,600 BTO flats in 2025, HDB will launch about 102,300 BTO flats from 2021 to 2025, exceeding HDB’s target to launch 100,000 new flats over the 5-year period.

[1] The new flat classification framework will not apply to existing HDB flats and non-Prime Location Public Housing flats launched before the October 2024 BTO exercise, when these units are re-offered for sale in SBF exercises.

[2] The HFE letter will inform flat buyers upfront of their eligibility for a new or resale flat purchase, CPF housing grants, and HDB housing loan, including the respective grant and loan amounts.

[3] The booking exercises have been completed for the following 3 BTO launches: Oct 2023, Dec 2023 and Feb 2024

[4] Flats that are not booked will be re-offered in subsequent sales exercises.

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