880,000 HDB Households to receive $120 million of S&CC Rebates in FY2017

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Around 880,000 Singaporean HDB households can expect to receive $120 million worth of Service & Conservancy Charges (S&CC) rebates in FY2017.

The S&CC rebate was announced during Budget 2017 to provide additional support to households.

In total, each eligible Singaporean household will receive 1.5 to 3.5 months of S&CC rebate, depending on their HDB flat type.

Eligible households will receive a letter from end-March with more details of the S&CC rebate. The rebate will be disbursed over the months of April 2017, July 2017, October 2017 and January 2018 as follows:

HDB Flat TypeFY2017 S&CC Rebate (no. of months)




October 2017January 2018Total for FY2017
1- and 2-room1110.53.5
3- and 4-room10.
Executive/ Multi-Generation0.

The S&CC rebate will be used to offset a household’s S&CC payment directly. For households who pay their S&CC through GIRO, their Town Councils will make the necessary arrangements with their banks.

For enquiries on their S&CC payment and account status, residents can contact their respective Town Councils. Residents can also contact the Enquiries Line 1800-866-3078 (Mondays to Fridays, 8.30am to 5pm), or email sccrebates[at]mailbox.hdb.gov.sg regarding their household’s S&CC rebate eligibility.

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