NDP 2013 Road Closures Singapore 6 Jul – 9 Aug 2013

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Here are the road closures in Singapore for the National Day Parade 2013 (NDP2013). In order to facilitate the event flow and the safety of participants, the public is advised to note the following road closure arrangements.

First of all, it goes without saying – take public transport where possible.

Motorists are advised to avoid the affected roads and to slow down should they need to travel along these roads or pass these affected junctions. Officers will be stationed at all affected road junctions to regulate traffic and facilitate movement of pedestrians. Any inconvenience is regretted.

Please be advised that parking at peripherals roads around Esplanade, Marine Bay vicinity, along ECP (Benjamin Sheares Bridge) and Marine South to watch the fireworks display is strictly prohibited. Illegally-parked vehicles will be fined and towed away.

TimeRoad NameClosure Extent
22 June 2013
29 June 2013
6 July 2013

9am to 11.30pm

Raffles Avenue (towards Esplanade Drive) between Republic Boulevard and Temasek AvenueClosure of carriageway
Raffles Avenue (towards Esplanade Drive) between Temasek Avenue and Esplanade MallClosure of 2 lanes
Republic Boulevard (towards Raffles Avenue) between the junctions of
Republic Avenue and Raffles Avenue
Closure of carriageway
13 July 2013
20 July 2013
27 July 2013

9am to 11.30pm

Raffles Avenue between Republic Boulevard and Temasek AvenueFull Closure
Raffles Avenue (towards Esplanade Drive) between Temasek Avenue and Esplanade MallClosure of 2 lanes
Republic Boulevard (towards Raffles Avenue) between Republic Avenue and Raffles AvenueClosure of carriageway
13 July 2013
20 July 2013
27 July 2013

3pm to 10.30pm

Connaught Drive between Stamford Road and Fullerton RoadFull Closure
13 July 2013
20 July 2013
27 July 2013

7pm to 10.30pm

Bayfront Avenue (towards Temasek Avenue) between Bayfront U-turn point and Raffles AvenueClosure of carriageway
13 July 2013
20 July 2013
27 July 2013

7.30pm to 10.30pm

Esplanade Drive (towards Nicoll Highway) between Raffles Avenue and Fullerton RoadClosure of carriageway
Raffles Avenue (towards Esplanade Drive) between Esplanade Mall and Nicoll HighwayClosure of 2 lanes

With reference to the map at bottom:

Date6 Jul13 Jul20 Jul27 Jul3 Aug9 Aug
Road NamesCR 3NE 1NE 2NE 3PreviewNDP 13
Republic Boulevard(towards Raffles Ave)

CP1 – CP3

All lanes towards Raffles Ave closed
(9am – 11:30pm)
Raffles Avenue(towards Nicoll Hwy)

CP3 – CP4

2 lanes closed (9am – 11:30pm)2 lanes closed (9am – 2pm)All lanes closed (2pm – 10:30pm)

2 lanes closed (10:30pm – 11:30pm)

Raffles Avenue(towards Nicoll Hwy)


Open2 lanes closed (9am – 2pm)All lanes closed (2pm – 10:30pm)

2 lanes closed (10:30pm – 11:30pm)

Connaught Drive(towards Fullerton Rd)

CP6 – CP9

OpenAll lanes towards Fullerton Road closed (3pm – 10:30pm)Open
Temasek Avenue(betw Raffles Blvd & Raffles

Ave, towards Raffles Blvd)

CP3 – CP3a

OpenAll lanes towards Raffles Blvd closed (2pm -10:30pm)
Temasek Avenue(betw Raffles Blvd & Raffles

Ave, towards Bayfront Ave)

CP3 – CP3a

OpenAll lanes towards Bayfront Ave closed (2pm – 10:30pm)
Bayfront Ave(towards Temasek Ave)


OpenAll lanes towards Temasek Ave closed (7pm – 10:30pm)All lanes towards Temasek Ave closed (2pm – 10:30pm)
Esplanade Drive(towards Nicoll Hwy)


OpenAll lanes towards Nicoll Highway closed (7pm – 10:30pm)All lanes towards Nicoll Highway closed (8pm – 10:30pm)
Esplanade Drive(towards Collyer Quay)

CP5 – CP8

OpenAll lanes towards Collyer Quay closed (8pm – 10:30pm)
Stamford Road(betw Beach Rd & Nicoll Hwy)

CP5 – CP10

OpenAll lanes towards Fort Canning Tunnel closed (betw Beach Rd & Nicoll Hwy only) (8pm – 10:30pm)
Nicoll Highway(towards Esplanade Drive)

CP5 – CP7

OpenAll lanes towards Esplanade Drive closed (betw Raffles Blvd & Raffles Ave only) (8pm – 10:30pm)

As there may be typos above, you can refer to the direct images below

Road Closure Dates & Timings

Road Closure Map

Click on thumbnail[s] to enlarge.

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