Free tokidoki Travel Organiser with Darlie All Shiny White Supreme Enzyme Toothpastes from 17 Aug 2023

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Darlie All Shiny White Supreme Enzyme x tokidoki

Keep your travel essentials organised with the tokidoki Travel Organiser, obtainable when you purchase the Darlie All Shiny White Supreme Enzyme Toothpaste bundle pack! The tokidoki Travel Organiser comes banded on-pack in 2 collectible designs! The designs are inspired by fun activities you could experience overseas; participating in festivals and enjoying a chill time by the pool.

Other than using it to keep your travel products during your overseas travels, you can also use these organisers to store your unused clothes or your children’s toy collections at home. It would be a great way to keep your closets tidy!

There are 2 exclusive designs to choose from, so what are you waiting for?

Check them out today at your nearest stores!

*Travel organiser is banded on-pack. While stocks last.

The Darlie All Shiny White Supreme Enzyme + tokidoki Travel Organisers are available at participating outlets

ECommerce Stores:

  1. FairPrice Online
  2. Watsons Online
  3. Darlie Official Shopee Official
  4. Darlie Official Lazada Store

Physical Stores:

Selected Supermarkets outlets/ Stores

  1. FairPrice
  2. Sheng Siong
  3. Giant
  4. Cold Storage
  5. Prime

Personal Care:

  1. Watsons

About tokidoki

tokidoki, which translates to “sometimes” in Japanese, is an internationally recognized and iconic lifestyle brand based on the vision of Italian artist Simone Legno and his partners, serial entrepreneurs Pooneh Mohajer and Ivan Arnold. Since debuting in 2005, tokidoki has amassed a cult-like following for its larger-than-life characters and emerged as a sought- after global lifestyle brand. tokidoki offers an extensive range of products which include apparel, handbags, cosmetics, accessories, toys and more. Simone Legno, tokidoki’s creative director, was born in Rome, Italy and from a very young age developed a deep love of Japan and a fascination with world cultures. Combining Legno’s unique talent and creativity with Mohajer’s business acumen,

tokidoki has grown exponentially. As an innovative company, tokidoki is known not only for its eye-popping aesthetic and criminally cute characters but also its megawatt partnerships. For more information, please visit

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