(EXPIRED) Jem Instant Relief for Intense Shopping Promotions 31 May – 28 Jun 2015


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Starts31 May 2015 (Sun)Ends28 Jun 2015 (Sun)
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From 29 May to 28 June 2015, get instant relief for intense shopping as Jem rewards you with great offerings of over $200,000 worth of vouchers to be won, $10 Jem Gift Voucher Giveaway with no purchase required, 50% Cashback every weekend and more!

Click on a link to jump to a specific section

  1. Draw For More Shopping
  2. Rewards On The Spot
  3. Extra Relief for JemX Rewards members
  4. Instant Satisfaction
  5. Get Spotted For Cashback

Draw For More Shopping

Jem rewards one lucky shopper with $100 Jem Gift Voucher everyday! Simply spend $50 for a chance to win! JemX Rewards members receive 5X more chances to win.

Limited to maximum of five(5) chances per shopper per day and twenty-five (25) chances for JemX Rewards members.

Rewards On The Spot

Kick off your shopping spree with rewards on the spot! Simply spend $120* to receive a $5 Jem Gift Voucher. Limited to only 300 daily, plus a chance to win shopping vouchers worth up to $50 in an instant draw.

*A maximum of three (3) same-day accumulated receipts.
*Double spend amount required for FairPrice Xtra receipts.

Extra Relief for JemX Rewards members

Mondays – Thursdays

All JemX Rewards members will be rewarded with double points, from Mondays to Thursdays on their shopping! If you are not yet a member, sign up today here and be rewarded!

Instant Satisfaction

Tuesdays & Thursdays, Level 4 (outside Challenger)

Get instant satisfaction with Jem’s amazing treats! Be the first 200 shoppers to claim your free $10 Jem Gift Voucher and use it within the same day, with no purchase required!

Simply keep an eye on the Jem Facebook page for the voucher collection time.

Get Spotted For Cashback

Fridays (6pm – 9pm), Saturdays & Sundays (2pm – 5pm)

Let the Jem Shopping Relief Agents give you rebates on your shopping over the weekend! They will be on the look out each day to reward you with 50% cashback in Jem Gift Vouchers for your shopping.

*Minimum spending of $20 is required.
*Rebate value will be rounded to the nearest $10.

Other terms and conditions apply.

See ad image for more details

Click on thumbnail[s] to enlarge. Sales on until 28 Jun 2015

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