(EXPIRED) Bershka SALE From 24 Dec 2015 UPDATED 26 Dec 2015
Bershka has started their SALE
Boxing Day, celebrated on December 26th, is a day when Singaporeans often shop for post-Christmas deals and discounts.
Bershka has started their SALE
Umeko will be having a children fashion wear warehouse sale from 28 December to 3 January, 10am to 8pm daily at Bukit Timah Plaza
Scoot’s bosses are away, hence they’re self-declaring a day off with a special 30% OFF promo code from 24 Dec, 10am till 27 Dec, 2359hrs
Popular Bookstore will be having a Book Buffet Moving out warehouse sale from 24-27 Dec at 20 Toh Tuck Road. Fill a regular basket of 15 books for only $30($2/ea) or a large basket of 30 books for only $50 ($1.67/ea)! Usual price $4 per book
Sintex will be having a warehouse sale from 24 December till 3 Jan (Thurs to Sun), 10am to 6pm.
Get up to $125 OFF discount off at the Courts online store with a minimum spend of $200
Get 10% off your first beauty device, 15% off two beauty devices and 20% off three beauty devices
Get an extra 15% savings storewide by using the following coupon codes
Tittot at up to 20% OFF, Franz at up to 20% OFF, Wedgwood at up to 30% OFF and more
Enjoy up to 50% off Armani Junior, Guess Kids, Ralph Lauren Kids, Burberry Kids and more
Enjoy 20% savings on Crocs Singapore online with a Trust Bank card and a minimum spend of $120.
Applicable for any flights open for booking
This discount applies only to hotel-only bookings made online
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