(EXPIRED) Scoot: One-day only promo sale to over 30 destinations on 25 Sep 2018
Fly far away to Taiwan, Australia & more from $109!
Fly far away to Taiwan, Australia & more from $109!
Enjoy special fares from SGD$228 all-in!
TWO-TO-GO Sale! Fly with a buddy from just $50! Fly fr $50 all-in to over 50 destinations with Scoot’s sale and more promo fares on their one-day sale tomorrow (11 Sep)
Fly to 25 destinations at discounted fares during Scoot’s one-day sale promo fares this Tuesday, 7am – 2pm
From the night markets in Taipei to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, excite yourself with new experiences as you discover places.
Grab a quick getaway to Malaysia, Thailand and more from just $49!
Pay to go, return for FREE*! Vacay to over 35 destinations with Scoot’s Super Tuesday promotion on 21 Aug
Feeling the need to travel? Escape to over 60 cities now!
Go on an adventure of a lifetime with Cathay Pacific’s special fares from $238 all-in.
20% OFF to China, Japan, India & many more!! Save 20% off to over 45 destinations with Scoot’s one-day sale tomorrow, Tuesday, 7am – 2pm!
Enjoy 20% savings on Crocs Singapore online with a Trust Bank card and a minimum spend of $120.
Get started with DigitalOcean’s all-in-one cloud platform with a free US$100/60-day credit for new users
Exclusively for SAFRA cardmembers
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