(EXPIRED) Discover more of India with Singapore Airlines, SilkAir & Vistara! Book from 1 – 30 Sep 2017
Fly in comfort with Singapore Airlines, SilkAir and Vistara to over 20 cities in India. Sale period: Now to 30 September 2017
Fly in comfort with Singapore Airlines, SilkAir and Vistara to over 20 cities in India. Sale period: Now to 30 September 2017
Special fares to Colombo, Male, Middle East, Europe, India & Pakistan. Join SriLankan Airlines as SriLankan Airlines celebrates the launch of their brand new website
Fly non-stop to Sri Lanka and beyond with SriLankan Airlines world-renowned warmth & hospitality
The only airline operating Double Daily Direct Flights from Singapore to Colombo! Travel period is from 16th August to 30th November 2013
Here’s SriLankan Airlines latest promotional all inclusive air fares starting from SGD408 onwards for travel out of Singapore, valid till 31 May 2013
Here are some Fantastic Deals on air fares from SriLankan Airlines for travel from 1 September to 30 November 2012, valid for travel out of Singapore only
Come up close with historical architecture, indulge in local delicacies and immerse in the cultures of India and Maldives with exceptional fares from Singapore Airlines and SilkAir. Just use your Visa card to book your flights via any Singapore Airlines and SilkAir appointed travel agents
Enjoy spectacular deals from $418 onwards with SriLankan Airlines till 31 March 2012. Travel period is from 1 March to 30 April 2012.
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Get a 50% discount on over 600 selected products for a limited time
Choose form Classy Chic, Chilli Chicken, Classified Chicken, Napolitana Chicken, The Big BBQ and more
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