M1 Launches NEW Mobile Plan For Persons with Disabilities 19 Aug 2014

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M1 has launched a plan for Persons with Disabilities as well as enhancing its support for the community

Available from today, M1’s S$25.68 ConnectSurf plan offers Persons with Disabilities* 500 minutes of outgoing calls, 10,000 SMS/MMS messages and a 6GB data bundle.

“In 2011, M1 launched our MessageSurf+ plans which were specially designed to cater to the needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, and these have been welcomed by the community. Access to mobile technology continues to grow in importance, and following a review, M1 has enhanced our offerings with the ConnectSurf plan to meet the varied communications needs of Persons with Disabilities, through generous voice, text and data bundles,” said Mr P. Subramaniam, Chief Marketing Officer, M1 Limited.

M1 has also introduced new benefits for seniors and enhanced its youth benefits package.

“For seniors, voice calls remains a very key, relevant, service, and our senior customers will enjoy unlimited free calls to five M1 numbers. Our many tech-savvy seniors will also benefit from the complimentary 500MB data bundle. We have doubled our youth’s customers’ complimentary data bundle to 1GB, which means our recontracting youth customers will enjoy an unmatchable 4GB data bundle on M1’s entry-level ValueSurf+ plan, alongside our generous voice and SMS/MMS bundle,” added Mr Subramaniam.

For more information on the new benefits package and plans, please visit the M1 website (www.m1.com.sg). The new plans are available for sign up online at the M1 website as well as at all M1 Shop outlets and M1 exclusive dealers.

Customers on MessageSurf+ plans will be automatically migrated to the new ConnectSurf plan, to enable them to enjoy the enhanced benefits of the new offering immediately.

* A valid Persons with Disabilities Transit Link concession pass, Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped or Singapore Association for the Deaf membership pass is required during application.

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