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M1 customers can now stay connected and share pictures, stream videos and keep tabs on e-mail during their in-flight journey, with M1’s unlimited in-flight data roaming service. The promotion is available for M1 postpaid customers.
At S$25 per day, roaming subscription customers can enjoy unlimited data roaming on 18 airlines, including Singapore Airlines, British Airways and Qatar Airways, where in-flight connectivity is available, when they are logged on to M1’s preferred in-flight network – OnAir.
Additionally, with M1’s Network Lock feature to protect customers from unintended usage and charges on non-preferred network, they can data roam in the air with peace of mind.
Airlines with M1’s in-flight data roaming service:
Aeroflot | Oman Air |
AZAL | Philippine Airlines |
British Airways | Qatar Airways |
Cebu Pacific Air | Royal Jordanian |
Egypt Air | Saudi Arabian Airlines |
Emirates | Singapore Airlines |
Etihad Airways | Kuwait Airways |
Iberia | Thai Airways |
Libyan Airlines | Sri Lankan Airlines |
In-flight roaming charges
Roaming subscription customers | S$0.20 per 10KB, capped at S$25/day |
Pay-per-use customers | S$0.24 per 10KB, capped at S$30/day |
For more information on M1’s in-flight roaming services, please visit: www.m1.com.sg/inflightdata
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