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M1 mobile network now supports 4G Voice or Voice over LTE (VoLTE) calls, which customers on 4G plans will be able to enjoy at no additional charge.
Through the higher bandwidth available on M1’s LTE-Advanced network, capable of download speeds of up to 300Mbps nationwide, VoLTE technology will allow calls to be connected faster and offer higher quality voice communications, compared to standard voice calls.
The 4G Voice feature is designed to work seamlessly between M1’s 3G and 4G networks, to deliver uninterrupted conversation to customers.
“Following a period of extensive testing, we are pleased to make available 4G Voice calls to our customers. We are sure our customers will appreciate the enhanced voice call quality and the ease of use of the feature,” said Mr Patrick Scodeller, Chief Operating Officer, M1.
Customers may need to update their phone software to enable the feature, and M1 is working with handset vendors to ensure upcoming handsets come with the feature enabled.
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