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Starts | 12 Dec 2011 (Mon) | Ends | 2 Jan 2012 (Mon) |
Location | GOG |
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www.gog.com Holiday Sale has begun! You’ve been waiting for the chance to pick up all GOG’s great classics at incredible savings, and that time is now. Virtually the entire catalog is 50% off from now until 2 January 2011.
Activision games are on sale until the 26th of December, so be sure to pick them up early. Further, The Witcher 2 will be 40% off during this holiday sale, but the Witcher: Enhanced Edition is 50% off.
Finally, there are a few games that are not in the holiday sale: in particular, Codemasters games and Gothic 1 are not included this year.
The holiday sales are the best time this year for you to pick up all of the classic PC games that you have been waiting to get since you joined GOG.com; Santa also appreciates you picking up games on GOG.com, because that’s less for him to fit in his sleigh.
Visit www.gog.com for more info.
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