Starbucks: New Watermelon & Lychee Aloe Frappuccino and “Dark Caramel Coffee Sphere” Frappuccino from 29 May 2019

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Keep cool in the heat with new refreshing beverages.

A gorgeous new drink is in town, meet the new Watermelon & Lychee Aloe Frappuccino® blended beverage. Refreshing watermelon juice and chia seeds are blended together with ice before being layered onto a layer of lychee-flavored whipped cream and juicy lychee aloe cubes.

For a nice little jolt of energy, revel in the new Dark Caramel Coffee Sphere Frappuccino® blended beverage. Take Starbucks signature Coffee Frappuccino and blend it with buttery caramel sauce before adding it to a cup that’s lined with caramel drizzle and packed with coffee spheres that are bursting with Brazilian coffee. The drink is then topped with a dollop of whipped cream and more coffee spheres.

Sips that will leave you wanting more.

Find your nearest Starbucks store here.

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